Why Black Swan made me dislike Aronofsky

S's Rant Corner

In his Requiem for a Dream, the overhead shot of Marion in the bathtub followed by her screaming underwater was an exact replica of a shot in the Japanese animated thriller, Perfect BlueDarren Aronofsky bought the remake rights to the film just to use that one sequence. But when he made Black Swan, he released it as an original. Not one word about Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue which is really sad because if you have seen Perfect Blue you would notice that Black Swan is its almost the exact replica. The only noticeable difference is that in his version, the main character is a ballerina while the original was about a pop singer. When confronted, Aronofsky denied that he used Perfect Blue as his inspiration, which makes me dislike him even more! He could’ve given some credit to Satoshi Kon who, in my opinion, was a genius. Check out some of the scenes used in Black Swan, which are similar to Perfect Blue.

Perfect-Blue_Black-SwanPerfect-Blue_Black-Swan-Bueno1-300x233tumblr_lfdw755fGj1qdiwuoo7_500tumblr_lfdw755fGj1qdiwuoo3_500tumblr_lfdw755fGj1qdiwuoo1_400by Simina

2 thoughts on “Why Black Swan made me dislike Aronofsky

  1. I had no idea about this! It’s really interesting to see how someone uses other people’s work so shamelessly. I don’t really know how to interpret this.
    I was reading an article from Patton Oswald (a comedian) on how he inadvertedly heard a joke and thought he came up with on his own, when in fact he just had that thought in the back of his mind and when it popped up he thought it was his own. Someone told him that and he realized he had indeed stolen it, but inadvertedly but then stopped using it.
    He told the story of another guy who used other people’s material shamelessly and got sudden success. Patton is now a successful comedian and that other guy is a nobody, because his shortcomings eventually came up.
    Maybe Aranofsky sincerely thinks he came up with those ideas but in the end, there’s no way he’ll continue having success without coming up with his own ideas.

  2. I don’t this Aranofsky sincerely thinks that Black Swan is his own idea. Back in 2000 he saw Perfect Blue and used the bathtub scene in Requiem for a Dream. So the idea was already there. And it shows what kind of character he is. I prefer people more honest with their work. Saying that “Yes, it’s a remake of (that)” or “I took some things from (that)” instead of just continuing to claim the originality of his work even when asked about the similarities between his movie and Satoshi Kon’s, makes him despicable. And shameless (your words)

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